Our Hope International
A non-profit organization with the mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of orphan children
Trip details
We are praying about take a team to serve with our partners in Uganda again in 2025. Stay tuned for details.
Details are based on our trips from 2012-2019:
It is a short-term trip (10-12 days) with a total cost around $3000. All donations given and money paid is tax-deductible. We stay at Hotel Paradise on the Nile in Jinja with electricity, running water and indoor plumbing! We are always looking for people with servant hearts who have various different gifts and talents.
Medical professionals (MD, NP, PA, RN, OT, PT, ST, optometrist, dentist, etc)
Educators, both general ed and special ed
Men who would be willing to do construction
Folks who love kids and anyone who wants to share the gospel